Simon Grundt Straubinger

Simon Grundt Straubinger

Data Analyst

City of Copenhagen

This is my personal website. I am a Data Analyst at the Health and Care Administration, City of Copenhagen. I work on the development of analytical tools and evidence-based insights to help improve healthcare and elderly care in the Danish capital.

I studied Political Science (scient.pol.) at the University of Southern Denmark focusing on the welfare state and quantitative methods. During my studies I worked as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark.

My interests on the blog are mainly data related e.g. data gathering, wrangling and exploring, visualizations, polling and text as data. I mostly use R for data processing (e.g. {tidyverse}, {tidytext}), modelling (e.g. {tidymodels}) and visualizations (e.g. {ggplot2}, {shiny}, {sf}, {tmap}).
