Mediernes formidling af meningsmålinger: Indholdsanalyse af folketingsvalg, 2005-2011


This article examines the information the Danish news media provide when reporting public opinion polls. The study has been done through quantitative content analysis of 424 newspaper and Internet articles from four major Danish dailies during the last three parliamentary elections. The study found that only about half of the seven ESOMAR/WAPOR-requirements included here were reported. The results from the estimated regression show that the media in general provides more methodological information in newspaper articles than on the Internet, and that the media becomes better at reporting public opinion polls over time. Compared with studies conducted in other countries we do not observe any systematic deviation in how public opinion polls are reported in Denmark.

Tidsskriftet Politik 15(3)
Simon Grundt Straubinger
Simon Grundt Straubinger
Data Analyst

Data Analyst at the Health and Care Administration, City of Copenhagen